Over dit vak

Digital Marketing (F000937A)

The course will take place during an intense period of 6-8 weeks. The course Digital marketing takes on a comprehensive stance towards the embedding of marketing into the business strategy where digital presence is a prerequisite nowadays. Students will learn to understand the dynamics of the digital environment, establish a clear view on the opportunities and benefits of digital initiatives and gain insight into relevant digital marketing models, strategies, tactics, and metrics for evaluating digital actions. The course is structured around lectures, guest lectures bringing experience from practice, case studies and group works.

I search a company who experiences a challenge involving a strategic question within the field of digital marketing

Digitale revolutie

De studenten

At least 2 teams of Ugent Applied Economics masterstudents (4 to max 6 students) will be working on your challenge in a +/- halftime rhythm. The majority of the students has a marketing background, complemented with finance and/or accountancy students.
These students will be working independently on your challenge, under supervision of you and or professor Roose.

De taken of stappen die studenten ondernemen

The challenge must involve a strategic question within the broad field of digital marketing.
The challenges will include minimally

  • a critical analysis of the AS IS situation as an essential part of the excercise (problem diagnosis)
  • exploration of different strategic options based upon the identified building blocks
  • formulation of concrete recommendations for the ideal strategic solution
  • development of an action plan

Optional: execution of 1 or 2 concrete actions. This will depend on the information, data and tools provided by the principal to enabe execution by the students.

De verwachtingen van de lesgever voor de organisatie

Step 1: apply for the challenge: We use an excel template for this, please contact us if you would like to apply.

--> lauvdael.vandaele@ugent.be

If selected:

Step 2: launch the challenge - brief of teams (online meeting)

Step 3: attend the intermediate presentation in which students present their research and strategic ideas (online meeting) and provide feedback

Step 4: attend the final presentation in which students present their digital marketing plan

Step 5: evaluate the students work (excel template)

During the 6-8 weeks of the course it is expected to have contact on a regular (weekly) basis with the spokesperson of the team in case of questions.


Project 'x' can be:

  • Research: audit of the current channels and those of the competitors
  • Strategy:
    • Where and how can we reach our target audience (digital marketing plan) + marketing plan needs to be able to be activated locally (eg. we need new clients in Bruges, but not in Antwerp).
    • How can we effectively bring our message across?
    • Which materials and channels would have the most impact?
    • How can we guide our audience through the marketing funnel, from intent to actually submitting a request within our organisation?

Benefits: we role out a plan to actively communicate towards our target audiences, hopefully resulting in:

  1. higher amount of requests
  2. higher amount of client for particular business unit.
Ongestructureerd probleem

Omvang van het project



2de semester


Geïnteresseerd om meer te weten, of heb je vragen? Laat hier je bericht achter en beschrijf waarom je interesse hebt. Indien je eigen vak/uitdaging hiervoor geschikt is en online staat, kan je er in je bericht naar verwijzen.

Je ingevulde contactgegevens zullen samen met dit bericht verstuurd worden naar de contactpersonen. Zij kunnen daarna contact met jou opnemen.

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Uw email *
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Organisatie / Faculteit / Vakgroep
Over uw organisatie / faculteit / vakgroep

Vragen? Contacteer callforchallenges@ugent.be