Over dit vak

Business Process Management

The course introduces different methods and tools for identifying, discovering, analysing, redesigning, implementing and monitoring business processes.

Business Process Management Company Project

Digitale revolutieIndustrie 4.0

De studenten

The students are first master Business Engineering students.

De taken of stappen die studenten ondernemen

A group of 6 students needs to perform a business process management project in a company. As part of this project the students need to apply methods to identify, model, analyse and redesign one or more business processes.

De verwachtingen van de lesgever voor de organisatie

The company must support the group in selecting a business process in the company that has the potential of being redesigned. After selecting the process, the company needs to provide the students with enough information to model the business process model using BPMN. At the end of the project the students could organise a final meeting in which they present the results of the project.


In most case the students identify during a first meeting with the company a business process that they will focus on. The first step of the students is positioning the selected process within the company. Next the students will model the process using BPMN. The resulting business process model is the starting point for the process analysis and possible process redesign.

Ongestructureerd probleem

Omvang van het project



2de semester


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Vragen? Contacteer callforchallenges@ugent.be