Over dit vak

Strategic Challenges

The Master students in Business Economics and Business Engineering will work on one strategic challenge on behalf of a company from September 25 to November 8, 2023. In previous years students have done assignments for companies like Delaware, Televic, Intuo, Fleetmaster, HICT, Showpad, Upgrade Estate, Techwolf, Beerselect, Bakers online, In the Pocket, Nexxworks, 4Gold, Douano, Teamleader, ML2Grow, KnowledgeConnected and many others.

Strategic Challenges for masters Business Engineering


De studenten

Master students business economics and business engineering.

De taken of stappen die studenten ondernemen

In the first part, the students teams work to sufficiently understand your company: your vision and mission, strategic objectives and key strategies, the important parts of your business model (value proposition, customer segments, revenue model,…), the competitive environment and so on. For this first part, we offer the students a working method that can also be supplemented by your business insights.
Based on their work in the first part, the student teams will start the strategic challenge. For example, SWOT-elements can be the foundation for part two. A thorough discussion between the company and the professor is essential here, in order to calibrate the mutual expectations. The content of part two can be very different across companies, but as long as the challenge is strategic in nature, the assignment can be explored.
Several teams of six students will work independently on each challenge, so the entrepreneur will get different insights and end results. To optimize the added value for the company and the master students, guidance from the company is required.

De verwachtingen van de lesgever voor de organisatie

1. Presentation by the company - explaining the challenge, Q&A.
2. Intermediate findings - presentation by the student teams, Q&A, feedback.
3. Optional meeting with student teams for last Q&A.
4. Final pitches by student teams, Q&A, feedback.
5. Submission of final findings by student teams.


Typical challenges have related to, for example:
- A potential target for acquisition
- Foreign market opportunities and possible entry strategies
- The opportunity of complementary value propositions
- Business development opportunities based on innovative products and services
- The impact on the business model of new value propositions


Omvang van het project



1ste semester


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Vragen? Contacteer callforchallenges@ugent.be